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St. Paul Lutheran Church
Maryville, TN
All Are Welcome!
Sundays- 9:30am
Lenten Prayer Services- Wednesdays at 6:15pm
Live streamed on Facebook & Youtube!

St. Paul Lutheran Church, in Maryville, Tennessee, is a thriving Christian faith community. We are dedicated to meeting you where you are and traveling with you along the journey of life. We offer ministries to engage and transform you, to help you promote the healing of this world.
We welcome you to worship, dine, fellowship, and grow in Christian love with us. We want to get to know you. Whether you’re a local or seasonal resident or just passing through, a lifelong Lutheran or someone who’s never known a faith community, we invite you to visit us and experience the hospitality and support of the folks at St. Paul.
"We love because he first loved us.”
1 John 4:19
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